OUr Board & Partners

Bison's Board Members

The Bison Child and Youth Advocacy Centre is governed by a volunteer board of directors, operated by a multi-disciplinary team and supported by a committed group of volunteers. Board Members include:

  • PRESIDENT: Terry Jessiman
  • SECRETARYBarbara Higgins
  • TREASURER:  Michael Grayston
  • DIRECTOR: Tracy Peacock
  • DIRECTOR: Tabetha Stuart



  • RCMP
  • Victim Services
  • Children’s Service, Child Intervention Intake
  • Little Red River Cree Nation, Mamawai Awaisis Society
  • North Peace Children Services
  • Alberta Health Services
  • Crown Prosecution
  • Pace Community, Sexual Assault & Trauma Centre
  • Caribou Child & Youth Centre
  • High Level Community Policing Society

Working Together to Protect Children

Collaborative efforts towards prioritizing the well-being of abused children yield the best results. Discovering the truth behind allegations of child abuse may be complex, but the Centre’s multidisciplinary team approach provides strength to the child during the investigation process.

Members ranging from law enforcement to advocacy workers all work together to protect our children. Each agency plays a unique role in ensuring that the needs of the child are met, resulting in fewer strangers involved, fewer interviews, and less stress for the child. Through this partnership, support services can be accessed faster, beginning the journey to healing promptly.

Our community must continue to listen to our children and respond to their needs, nurturing them to become our future generation. Let’s continue to work together to provide safety, security, support, and understanding to all children who need it.

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