Crime Financial Benefits Program
If you’ve been a victim of a crime, you could get money from the Victims of Crime Financial Benefits Program. This compensation is only for the injuries you suffered, not for any money you lost because of the crime.
You may be eligible for financial benefits if you meet the following criteria:
- You were the victim of one of the eligible offences listed in the Victims of Crime Regulation
- The crime happened in Alberta (you do not need to live in Alberta to be eligible)
- You reported the crime to police within a reasonable period of time (a charge or conviction is not needed to receive assistance)
- You co-operated with the investigation into the crime
- Your application was received within 2 years of the date of the crime – in special circumstances this may be extended. For example, if you were under the age of 18 when the crime occurred you have until age 28 to apply.
For further information about the Financial Benefits Program, please contact the Financial Benefits Program at 780-427-7217 or visit Alberta Victim Services to download the forms directly.